How Many Litres is a Kitchen Bin?

How Many Litres is a Kitchen Bin?

Size matters when it comes to your kitchen bin. Choose a bin that’s too big for your living space and it will really spoil the look of that nice new kitchen. Opt for a bin that’s too small and you’ll be making endless trips to take the rubbish out. So how do you get it right? Here’s our guide.

How Many Litres are your Kitchen Bins?

Bin sizes and styles vary widely. You can get everything from a food waste caddy with a few litres of capacity to 75 litres + bins for large families and professional kitchens.  So what size bin do you need?

Which Bin Gives You the Most Space for Your Money?

This is the question you should ask yourself. Don’t have the space for a recycling bin and a waste bin? Why not invest in a dual-compartment bin with both in one unit? Got negligible floor space but plenty of in-built cupboards? Why not consider an in-cupboard kitchen bin? When it comes to bins, it’s about finding one that meets your needs and suits your space and lifestyle.

A Quick Guide to Kitchen Bin Sizes

What Size Kitchen Bin Do I Need?

If you can’t decide on what size bin you need, here’s a general guide.

60-80 litre bins

  • Have you got a large family? Do you want to avoid having to empty the bin too often? This is the bin size you probably need.

50 litre kitchen bin

  • This size bin suits medium-sized households. It won’t need emptying too often.

40 litre bins

  • These kitchen bins suit smaller families or people who don’t mind regular trips to put the rubbish out.

30 litres and under

  • These are small kitchen bins. Perfect for small households who don’t generate too much rubbish or have the space for a bulky bin.

Meet your Perfect Bin Match

Need some inspiration on deciding which kitchen bin is perfect for you? Here are just a few of our best-sellers.

Is your floor space seriously lacking?

Modern urban living has so much to offer, though it does often come at the expense of space. If you love your apartment but have no space for bins, no problem.

Our Hailo Compact Cabinet Box is designed for use within your kitchen cabinets. It’s the ultimate space-saving waste solution. You can use it on left and right-hand doors, it looks great, and its secure lid keeps your rubbish out of sight.

Need to separate your waste and recycling?

If you want to be able to separate your waste and recycling at source, a kitchen recycling bin is your new BFF. No more cluttering up your kitchen with bags of plastic bottles and packaging. Invest in a dual or triple-compartment recycling and waste bin for your home.

Likewise, our EKO Ecofly Slim Two Compartment Recycling Bin lets you separate your waste and recycling without taking up too much space. With its fingerprint-proof coating and 40 litre capacity, it’s the perfect kitchen bin for a busy family home.

Just want to keep it simple?

If you live in a flat and have communal waste and recycling bins, you might not need a lot of kitchen bin capacity. You don’t need all the bells and whistles, just a stylish bin that does the job. Our Hailo Trento Oko Single Compartment Bin has a 17-litre capacity and a stainless steel outer shell. A perfect choice for a modern apartment, it’s super easy to clean and its non-slip base will prevent damage to your floors.

Whatever your needs and preferences, you’ll find the right kitchen bin in our range. Whether you need a nifty cupboard bin you can tuck away or a bin to help make recycling easier, you’ll find the perfect finishing touch for your kitchen. For more interesting articles on all things litter bins, check out the rest of our blog.