#Love Parks Week 2019: It’s Time to Get Out and Enjoy Your Local Green Space

#Love Parks Week 2019: It’s Time to Get Out and Enjoy Your Local Green Space

#Love Parks Week 2019: It’s Time to Get Out and Enjoy Your Local Green Space

This year’s Love Parks Week (12th-21st July) is all about encouraging people to get out and enjoy their local parks. Spending time in nature is great for your mental and physical health, but while our parks are there to be enjoyed, we need to look after them.

Protect parks by binning litter

The main way we can do this is to dispose of our litter responsibly, whether it’s in one of the public bins or we take litter home and dispose of it there. This will help keep parks beautiful for future generations and it will also make sure that no harm is caused to the wonderful wildlife like squirrels and ducks that thrive in our open spaces.

Love Parks Week Events

During Love Parks Week, plenty of events will be taking place in parks across the UK including:

Live music on the bandstand in Bath’s Royal Victoria Park

Kite flying in Northampton’s Eastfield Park

A family ‘bumble bee’ scavenger hunt in Cumbria’s Castle Park

A Rounders match at Sittingbourne’s Milton Creek Country Park

Caribbean music and food in Cheshunt’s Cedars Park


Family in the Park


Kids ‘want to spend more time outdoors’

Keep Britain Tidy is also calling on parents to make the time to visit a local park with their child, as research has found that a huge 75% of today’s children would like to spend more time outdoors. The research also found that four out of five parents wanted their children to spend more time outside, but one of the main reasons they don’t is that they don’t have time to take them to the park.

Worryingly, the research indicated that the skills that many children hone in outdoor spaces like climbing and riding a bike were on the decline.

Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive commented that parks and green spaces are an important part of childhood and said it was great that despite children having access to a huge range of digital devices, only 19% of them wanted to spend more time playing indoors. She added that three quarters of children want to spend more time outdoors and said that Keep Britain Tidy was urging parents to regularly spend time in local parks with their children.