Stay Safe in Icy Weather With Grit Bins

Stay Safe in Icy Weather With Grit Bins

Stay Safe in Icy Weather With Grit Bins

After another warm summer (albeit with a typically British downpour here and there), you might have noticed the mornings and evenings getting noticeably chillier. This can only mean one thing, autumn is on its way and winter won’t be far behind, with its frost, ice, and snow.

Now ice and snow is lovely when you’re warm and cosy and looking at it from your window, but what about when you’re driving to work, slipping and sliding along the street, and trying to avoid a broken ankle?

When it comes to safety, the grit bin is your best friend.

Grit bins are usually supplied by local councils, but because there’s not an endless pot of money, they’re usually allocated according to need (for example, a road that is a busy bus route will take priority over a quiet residential side street.) If you’re not lucky enough to be allocated a bin, or you have your own business and you want to make sure that your grounds and car parks are safe when the temperature drops, you can buy your own.

Our grit bins

Our selection of Grit Bins come in a variety of sizes and eye-catching colour options, and they’re just what you need to make open spaces, car parks, schools, residential care homes and other busy areas safe to use in icy conditions.

All of our bins are made from high-quality and robust materials so they’ll withstand even the most extreme weather conditions. They even have UV protection so they won’t discolour or deteriorate over time.



How grit works

Grit and salt lower the point at which water freezes. Usually, it will freeze at 0°C, but salt will prevent it from freezing until the temperature drops to around -6°C. Salt can’t melt ice on its own, it needs water, so that’s why it works best when it mixes with the moisture that’s already there because of the snow and ice.

But it’s not enough for the grit to just be spread, it needs vehicles to drive over it and spread it across the road’s surface so it can be more effective.

There’s a grit bin on my road, can I take grit from it?

Yes, if you want to be a good citizen and clear the pavements where you live, but sadly, you can’t take it to clear your own driveway. There have even been incidences of people taking it to sell on - and no, you can’t do this either.

Finding your nearest grit bin

As the temperature drops, your local council will usually provide details of where the nearest grit bins are. This does vary between councils though. If your area is not considered a priority for gritting but you feel that a grit bin is needed (if there have been accidents etc) contact your local council and they might provide one. This might also be the case if your road has a steep gradient, sharp bends, or it forms a junction with a major road.

What else can I use to clear my driveway or the areas around my home or business?

You can buy grit from DIY stores or from building suppliers. You can also use things that you’ll have in your kitchen already like table salt or dishwasher salt.

Table salt is good at melting ice, but not that great when it comes to preventing it from freezing over again. The smaller granules in table salt mean that it can cover a bigger surface area and melt ice pretty fast. Another thing to consider about table salt is that it can do more harm than good to animals and plants if you put too much down, so be sure to clear as much snow and ice as you can before you put it down so you can see exactly how much you’re using.

It might seem early, but it pays to be prepared as the colder weather approaches. Grit bins are a vital weapon in our arsenal against ice and snow. They help keep our roads, and areas around schools and hospitals safe, and if you have a business, they can help you keep staff and visitors safe and help you avoid potential litigation.

If you would like any help or advice about grit bins from our friendly expert sales team, we’re only a phone call or an email away. Contact us on 01684 292727 or at