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A new study on dating and attraction has found that if people want to be seen as attractive to the opposite sex, they could do worse than picking up some litter.
The online dating site Zoosk interviewed 5100 single people, and analysed over 123,000 profiles, and found that our love, or not, for the environment can affect our chances with the opposite sex.
The analysis found that
• 78 percent of singles want to date someone who cares about the environment
• 58 percent of singles say that caring about the environment is an attractive quality
• 65 percent of women find people who care about the environment attractive
• 81 percent of singles find littering unattractive and annoying
• 74 percent say that littering would put them off someone completely
So what habits do people find attractive?
Both men and women said that they would prefer someone who picked up litter. Other popular environmentally friendly traits included recycling, being energy efficient at home, and shopping at local farmers’ markets.
How to be more environmentally friendly
Now we don’t guarantee that being kinder to the environment will improve your love life, but what have you got to lose? Here’s how you can be more environmentally friendly:
Reduce, reuse, and recycle: Reduce the amount of waste you generate, reuse items as much as possible, and always recycle what you can.
Reduce your water and electricity usage: Turn off lights when you leave a room, use more energy efficient appliances and lightbulbs, don’t leave electricals on standby, insulate your property, fix leaks, and consider installing more energy efficient windows.
Plant some trees: The Woodland Trust and National Forest have tree planting schemes where you can even dedicate a tree to a loved one. Trees provide us with oxygen, fruits, and wood, and they prevent the erosion of soil, and provide a habitat for wildlife. Deforestation has reduced forests considerably, so replanting trees is a must.
Ditch the car: Walking is not only healthier, it can really help to reduce carbon emissions. Use public transport to get to work, but If you have to drive, you could always think about carpooling with colleagues.
Buy locally grown produce: When produce is grown locally, there’s often less packaging, less carbon emissions because they’ve travelled a shorter distance, and they taste far fresher because they haven’t been flown thousands of miles.
Don’t litter: Be responsible and set an example. You can also join in clean ups and litter picks in your local area.