Today marks the start of Rotherham Borough Council’s Recycling Week.
A 44-year-old Canadian man was accidentally picked up by a rubbish truck when his bin was collected. He travelled several blocks before somebody spotted him and alerted the driver.
A new-born, Chinese baby was found by a streetcleaner dumped in a rubbish bin. The boy’s mother had put him there believing him to be still-born. Doctors examined the baby, found him to be healthy and confirmed that he had not suffered any harm.
The city of Saskatoon, in Canada, is considering implementing parking bans to assist refuge collection lorries.
For the first time ever, this year the UK’s recycling rate has fallen. Cuts to recycling centres have been identified as a possible cause.
Brighton & Hove City Council has launched a set of solar-powered bins that can hold up to eight times more waste than a normal bin. They use the sun’s rays to compact any litter placed inside, so increasing storage capacity.
Seabin and Poralu Marine have signed a partnership to manufacture Seabins, which should be operational by the end of the year. The automated bin is designed to catch floating rubbish.
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